National Grid

Grain to Tilbury consultation feedback form

We are seeking your views on our proposals to upgrade the electricity infrastructure between Grain and Tilbury. Our plans will involve building a new tunnel, installing new electricity cables and the construction of a headhouse at either end of the tunnel.

The feedback we receive at this consultation will help inform our plans before we submit a planning application to Thurrock and Gravesham councils in Winter 2023. The deadline for submitting your response to our consultation is Sunday 29 October 2023.

How to provide your feedback:

We would like to know if there are any other issues you think are important that we should consider and, importantly, why.

You are welcome to answer all or only some of the questions in the feedback form below, depending on the issues that are most important to you. Feedback received will be considered as we develop our proposals further.

So that we can make the most of your thoughts and feedback, please give as much detail as possible in your response. Other ways you can provide feedback on the project are to:

  • complete and return a feedback form at one of our consultation events. These are listed on the Grain to Tilbury website.
  • email us your completed feedback form at
  • return a printed feedback form, in the freepost envelope provided at a consultation event, or by writing FREEPOST GRAIN TO TILBURY PROJECT on any envelope, and posting it free of charge.